18 November 2011

Post 7, Nichola and co. - W1

I've just finished a long day at work and me and the boys hit a bar one of the new guys, Tom, suggested. As part of his welcoming process we decide to go out with him to the bar round the back of Carnaby street called 4-2-1. It isn't the kind of place I normally check into but thought it would be a nice change to the dingy drinking holes I'm used to. The usual Friday night buzz was hanging in the air and although the city crowd around soho wasn't one I was familiar with most people seemed good fun and we made our way to the bar where Tom introduced us to the girls on the other side and who were really friendly.

I went back to the bar to get my round in, not as apprehensively as usual as Tom had sorted us out with good deals on the pints and we were paying half standard price. Everything tastes better when it's cheaper. Nichola behind the bar asked me what the deal was with the hiking bag on my back and I explained my situation to her - bieng without a home and subtely dropping in I didn't actually have anywhere to stay for the night. Bit of a long shot but at least there was a slight chance I might have a cosy bed to sleep in. She offered to keep my bag till I left and I offered her a shot in return. "only if you do one with me" she smiled, her Aussie accent was very cute. I explained that I don't have enough money for the both of us so she poured one out for us on the house, and told me not to tell the manager. We engaged in a bit more small talk and poured me my pints for the boys, I handed her a tenner to which she gave me back a fiver in change and a wink. Thank you very much lovely Nichola

A little while later Nichola came out to join us for a cigarrette, looking slightly more tipsy then earlier, clearly carried on the fun as we'd been. What an awesome place to work. She'd joined us with another mate behind a bar and told us they'd snuck out for a cheeky fag while it was quiet. Her mate Faye introduced herself and told me Nichola had explained to me the pickle I was in and found out I'd been out that night with no idea where I'd be ending up. They both invited me and Tom back to theirs if the situation didn't improve but personally I didn't think it could. I've had such ridiculous luck with not actually having a home to my own and a lot of it has been down to the kindness of other people and really appreciated the offer and let them both know. Another close shave I thought to myself and wondered how long my carefree attitude would last till it came to bite me in the bum. The night went and me and the lads hung around till the girls finished work and we parted ways - and even more of a result the house was only a short walk in Soho. Touch!

Shopping list from Nichola and Faye

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